Jess Cato is a Southern California based Pushcart Prize nominated poet, writer and astrologer.

Her fantasy fiction manuscript recently earned her a spot as a Roots. Wounds. Words. Storytellers of Color Fellow in 2024 where she studied under the tutelage of award winning young adult fiction writer Jenny Torres Sanchez.

Her poems have been published in literary magazines and anthologies. Her poetry manuscript, Through the Red Door’s Open Maw, won Beyond the Veil Press’ chapbook contest and was published in 2023.

Her scorpionic obsession with poetry and astrology led to her brainchild Astrology for Creatives after she joined The Poetry Lab team in 2022.

As Lead Astrologer at The Poetry Lab, Jess produced and managed Astrology for Poets, an astrological learning series designed for poets to enhance their relationship with their own birth charts that included articles, writing workshops and podcast episodes.

Currently, Jess is using her astrological prowess to create content and learning materials for poets, writers and creatives of all kinds to better understand how astrology can work for them and their creative crafts!

Be on the lookout for her next generative writing workshop

Astrology for Poets: Leaning into Venus

A two hour workshop in which Jess will guide creatives through themes of Venus, read and analyze poetry, and apply Venusian themes to generative writing prompts to connect workshop goers to their own unique birth charts.

Subscribe to Jess’ newsletter below to be the first to know when the workshop registration opens!

Email Hello@jessjunewrites.com


IG @yapstellium