Astro Nibble - Birth Chart Report
Astrology can be intimidating and technical! Great for you if you’re new to astrology and are interested in the basics. A short (1-2 page) written report will emailed to you with details on your chart.
Astrology can be intimidating and technical! Great for you if you’re new to astrology and are interested in the basics. A short (1-2 page) written report will emailed to you with details on your chart.
Astrology can be intimidating and technical! Great for you if you’re new to astrology and are interested in the basics. A short (1-2 page) written report will emailed to you with details on your chart.
You give me: a filled out form with your birth info. I give you: an emailed written report with details on your birth chart. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. All reports are nonrefundable.
Readings will be completed using the birth information provided by you, if birth information was provided incorrectly the reading will not be redone unless you purchase a new reading.